It seems like the Christmas season comes upon us so quickly. Before you know it, you blink, and it has gone from January to December in a flash. As a stage IV breast cancer survivor Christmas takes on a new meaning to me. It makes me slow down and purposefully take in each moment and savor every second. As my family and I decorated for Christmas tonight, it made me stop and think about what the two most important things are at Christmas. 1.The most important thing about Christmas is Christ. He is the real reason we celebrate this season. It's because God decided to send His son down to earth in human form, born to a virgin, to one day save the world. It's the beginning of the solution to rescue mankind from it's transgressions. It's the answer to the problem that was created ... read more
Inspired to Give Gift Card Giveaways with a Little Sparkle and a Little Shine
As I write this I am sitting by the fire, and gazing at our Christmas tree, brightly lit, and decorated with ornaments from long ago. Each one holds memories of days gone by, moments frozen in time, and held in my heart to treasure forever. In order to make Christmas a little brighter, and filled with special memories for two wonderful families, I have teamed together with a wonderful group of bloggers to offer two amazing giveaways. The bloggers of the Inspired Bloggers Network have gathered to add some SPARKLE and SHINE to your December with TWO $400 gift cards to Amazon! Giveaway Sparkle I am excited to be on the SPARKLE team with these other awesome bloggers: Betty Eisenhour from Peace Creek on the Prairie Kori Tomelden from Just Another Mom Kristi Kerr from The ... read more
Meeting Santa and a Christmas Blessing
Christmas is such a special time of year. Looking back over all the Christmas memories that I hold dear, I can remember one from my childhood that always brings a smile to my face. I was only 6 years old when I heard the sirens, and saw the flashing lights out the dinning room window. I cried out to my mother, with great excitement, "What is it! What is it!" She told me it was Santa Claus, and I could go out to see him and tell him what I wanted for Christmas. I had never been so excited in all my life. I bundled up and outside I went with the help of my father. The massive red fire truck sat in front of our house. It was pulling a trailer covered with lights, and on the trailer was none other than the man himself, Santa. I carefully walked up the trailer steps and climbed onto ... read more
A Lifetime of Memories and a Mother’s Day Blessing
As Mother's Day quickly approaches, I've been taking some time to reflect upon how grateful and blessed I am my for Mother. One of the fondest memories I have of my Mom while growing up, is that she would sit every night in her rocking chair with her Bible, reading God's Word and praying for each one in her family. My Mom was faced with many challenges and had many difficult roads to walk in her life. However, no matter what the situation, she always put the Lord first in her life and leaned on Him during the hard times, she taught myself, and my two older brothers to do the same. In September of 2012, we were saddened by the fact that Mama had received the diagnosis of Alzheimer's. Things are different now, my Mama no longer lives in her own home, but rather an assisted living ... read more
A Legacy of Cherishing Each Moment
Our children are getting older now, they are both in their teens. Time goes by so seems like yesterday they were playing with Legos, cars, and dolls, and now they are dreaming of their futures and what God has in store for them. This past weekend my son told us he wanted an Easter egg hunt. Little did he know that we would actually follow through with his request. While dad was busy outside hiding the eggs, our son was trying to guess what was going on. When he found out we were have an Easter egg hunt, it was like the clocked turned back in time to when he was a little boy. He was so excited and happy that we had taken the time to do this for him. It was as if we had released his inner child and he was ready to go. When we said, "On your mark get set go," I saw the eyes ... read more
A Legacy of Joy in Jesus at Christmas (Legacy Leaver Thursday Link Up)
**To enter the To Bless a Homemaker Giveaway for a Kitchen Aid Mixer, click here** **To enter the Christmas Blessing $200 PayPal cash giveaway click here.** There are times I wish television came without commercials, especially during Christmas. If you spend anytime watching television during the month of December you will become inundated with the latest jingles for Barbies, IPads, door buster sales and more. I had to mute the television today when one commercial kept repeating over and over again, "Mine, mine, mine, mine." What are our children learning from this? It's time this type of mentality stops. The only way this "Me First" syndrome will cease, is with us, the parents, showing our children a different way. This Christmas we need to step up to the plate and teach our ... read more
Living to Leave a Legacy (the story behind the design)
Welcome to Shari A. Miller ~ Living to Leave a Legacy! I am so excited to announce the re-launching of what was Leaving A Legacy to, Shari A. Miller ~ Living to Leave a Legacy. As you can see the blog has gotten a face lift with a beautiful new blog design by, Tekeme Studios. I wanted to take a moment to share with you the story behind the design. Photo Credit The story that follows is an excerpt of a talk that I gave at our church for a Mother's Day tea a few years ago. In one form or another, we are all affected by the individuals in our past. For some of us we have been fortunate enough to have individuals in our past that have left us with a Godly legacy, which reflects how we live our lives today. Two very important people in my legacy were two individuals I never met, ... read more
Birthday Blessings
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Easter Blessings From the Miller Family
Many Blessings~ ... read more
My Sins Were Washed Away
"What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus." Palm Sunday, April 1st, 2012, I awoke early to prepare my heart before the Lord. Fervent prayers of gratitude rise, for sending His son in exchange for my transgressions. Such wondrous love was given to me, that I might live with Him. The hands of time move forward into the morning hours. Into the baptismal I step, with testimony in hand. I lay my all at His feet, as my story is weaved into a tapestry of words before family and friends. My Testimony I Choose Joy On November 10th, 2010, I became stuck in my worst kind of fear. I heard the words, my cancer had metastasized to my bones and it’s now stage IV breast cancer and the number of days I have left on this earth are uncertain. This came as a big surprise to Bill and me, ... read more