As I was wandering around our mall this past weekend, I enjoyed watching all the shoppers looking for the best Christmas gift, for that special someone in their lives. Whether it be that just right pair of boots, the fanciest new purse, or the newest Seattle Seahawks jersey (I’m a little biased.), everyone had a mission to get the perfect gift. When I passed the section of toys filled with dolls, toy cars and more, it made me melancholy for when my own children were little. I used to love to see their eyes sparkle with wonderment and hear their squeals of delight as they opened up their Christmas presents and looked on in wonder at their new American Girl doll and new set of Star Wars Lego’s.
Now their Christmas lists are a little more practical. This year my son’s wish list included luggage for an upcoming trip to New York. While my daughter’s list included history books to help her teach her history students. The times have changed, but the love I have behind the giving of the gifts is still the same. This made me think about the true meaning of Christmas and the best Christmas gift we can give to one another.
So long ago a newborn babe lying in a manger came into this world without sin, to take upon sin, and give us the gift of eternal life. Why did this happen?
‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” – John 3:16
What if we did something more this Christmas? What if we went to the Lord and asked Him how we could show His gift of love to others this season and throughout the year. Not just in the giving of our Christmas gifts, but in the giving of our everyday gifts. Whether it be cooking dinner, cleaning the house, washing laundry, running errands, the lists go on and on. What if we made sure that our intention behind all these acts was pure love.
“Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” – Matthew 22:37-39
I know at times the stresses of the day can wear us down to the point where the last thing we think about is love. We just want to get the next task done as fast as possible and move on to the next. But, what if we purposefully slowed down, started our day in God’s Word and in prayer? What if we asked God everyday to give us His wisdom and strength to be able to show others His love in every single thing that we did?
A friend of mine once said, “So many times it can be easy for us to see the obvious that we miss the spiritual which isn’t as obvious. Our eyes so easily perceive the temporal and are blind to the eternal.”
What truth!
This Christmas season let’s begin a new journey. The journey of looking for what truly matters…the eternal side of life. Let’s focus on giving each other the best Christmas gift possible, which is Christ’s love. In all that we say and do let’s live our lives as one of pure devotion and sacrifice to one another, showing Christ’s love to everyone we meet.
Let’s try it…
Instead of acting out in anger and demanding to be heard, or demanding that our way is the right way, let’s give selflessly of ourselves to one another in love. If we all did this, we could be looking at a changed world this next Christmas season. The change starts with us, one day at a time, one moment at a time.
Let’s give love.
* This Christmas season I have teamed together with a group of other wonderful bloggers to offer a giveaway that may help to make your Christmas season a little brighter. Please take a moment to follow the instructions and enter the giveaway below.
Merry Christmas!
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Participating bloggers:
Woman to Woman Ministries
Jenifer Metzger
A Delightful Glow
Coupons and Freebies Mom
Newly Us
As For Me and My Homestead
Breakthrough Homeschooling
Rachael Gilbert
Skill Trek
Lesa Dale
Bible Journaling Ministries
Days & Thoughts
A Heart for Your Home
Shari A. Miller, Living to Leave a Legacy
My kids have grown now also. The last one is fully prepared to leave the nest as soon as he turns 18. (He’s already working a full-time job apprenticing as a diesel mechanic with health insurance and retirement started.) So their gifts are very practical now!
Love this! I’m currently in the season of the joy of watching my kids get excited about Christmas, but I can also see how so quickly they’ll be out of the house, and things will change. I’m so thankful that the most important thing (Jesus) never changes!