I love black and white photos. Especially ones from long ago. It's as if you can look into their eyes and see what they were trying to tell you, a story of who they were and where they came from. A story that held laughter, joys, hurts and sorrows all rolled into one.The picture above is one of my mom and her three sisters taken in Kansas during the 1930's. From left to right there is my Aunt Betty, Aunt Helen, Aunt Ruby and the little blond one in front, with the great big smile is my mother. My mom is smiling because she was the youngest, and was pretty tickled because she was holding a purse in the picture. Was it her purse, no, it was my Aunt Betty's, henceforth.... she is wearing the frown. This picture always makes me smile. It makes me want to step back in time and see what life was ... read more