“Fear is a self imposed prison that will keep you from becoming what God intends for you to be. You must move against it with the weapons of faith and love.” ~ Rick Warren
The ring of the telephone broke the deafening silence that filled the room. My trembling hand picked up the phone and I heard the words that no woman wants to hear.
You have breast cancer.
At the speaking of those words the faucet of anxiety was turned on and it’s waters came rushing over every fiber of my being, overtaking me to the point where I felt like I was drowning.
As the days, weeks and months passed, I felt like I was treading water in the middle of the ocean. My body ached from the struggle, my lungs gasped for breath, and my heart beat wildly, trying to jump out of my chest.
Just when I thought I couldn’t go on, I heard Him speak, “Fear or Faith, You Choose.” At that moment my journey began, my on going journey to over come anxiety, one step at a time.
Won’t you join me on this journey as I accept the 31 Days Writing Challenge from The Nester to write on one topic for 31 consecutive days. My theme for this year is Fear or Faith, You Choose ~ A 31 Day Journey to Overcoming Depression. I’ll be sharing 31 thoughts that the Lord has placed on my heart about overcoming anxiety.
You can come back to this page to follow our travels throughout the month of October, new links will be added daily.
Let’s begin……..
Day 1 : Fear or Faith You Choose ~ A 31 Day Journey to Overcoming Anxiety, Introduction
Day 2 : You’re Not Alone
Day 3 : Are Your Running in Circles?
Day 4 : Time Traveler
Day 5: Oh No You Didn’t!
Day 6 : All it Took Was One Phone Call (Part 1)
Day 7 :
Day 8 :
Day 9 :
Day 10 :
Day 11 :
Day 12 :
Day 13 :
Day 14 :
Day 15:
Day 16 :
Day 17 :
Day 18 :
Day 19 :
Day 20 :
Day 21:
Day 22 :
Day 23 :
Day 24 :
Day 25 :
Day 26 :
Day 27 :
Day 28 :
Day 29 :
Day 30 :
Day 31 :
Linking to:
31 Days Writing Challenge
Word Filled Wednesday
I look forward to the rest of the month