There are so many types of legacies we can leave. We can leave legacies to our children, family members, friends, and even strangers that God places on our path. One of the most important legacies that we as Christian wives and mothers can leave is that of a Titus 2 Woman.
“Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.” Titus 2:4-5
So many people quote Titus 2 but don’t understand what it really means. What is mentorship? The Word of God tells us to come along side one another. We need mature Christians in our life to lift us up and help us. And we are to be there for the younger ones.
I’m honored to partner with, Woman to Woman Ministries and seven other authors to write, Living out Titus 2. This book was written to help older and younger woman alike to join together and learn what it means to live out loud a Titus 2 life. Living out Titus 2, will help you to understand what mentorship really means and how to apply it to your own life.
This book was written by women who have a strong passion for Titus 2. Living out Titus 2 touches the areas of why you should have a mentor, why you should be a mentor, marriage, parenting, homemaking, cooking, living in faith and in your walk with God.
Jenifer Metzger of Sweet Blessings
Debi Baker of Treasures Found In Him
Leah Hostetler of Leah’s Cooking
Jenilee Goodwin of Our Goodwin Journey
Shari Miller of Living to Leave a Legacy
Lisa Shaw of Lisa Shaw Cares
Alyssa Santos of Rocks.Roots.Wings.
Jami Balmet of Young Wife’s Guide
To purchase your copy of Living Out Titus 2:
click HERE for kindle
click HERE for print
Time for a giveaway! We are giving away 2 copies of Living Out Titus 2. To enter to win, simply complete each task in the rafflecopter below.
It’s time to link up your posts for Legacy Leaver Thursday!
- To link up go to the sidebar and get the code for the Legacy Leaver Thursdays button, right click and “save as” on the code and then upload it into your post. Or you can provide a direct link somewhere in your post linking back here. That way other bloggers can join in too.
- Then copy and paste the direct link from your post, (not your blog url), into the linky tool below.
- This link up will be happening every Thursday at Shari A. Miller ~ Living to Leave a Legacy. You can link up your posts that deal with leaving a legacy to your children and other loved ones. These posts can vary from spiritual lessons, to homeschooling tips, to recipes and homemaking skills that you want to pass down. You can also link up posts that offer encouragement to the community. I will do the best I can to read as many posts as possible throughout the week. However, if there are times that I miss you, know that I’m so grateful that you linked up and was so blessed to have you here!
- In order to create an encouraging community here, please take a moment to visit the person in front of you. Thank you!
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All for Him,
Linking to:
Thought Provoking Thursday
Proverbs 31 Thursday
Thriving Thursday
Living a Titus 2 life is definitely a great way to live a legacy!
Thanks for hosting & God bless!
Shari, thanks for sharing this awesome resource with Thought-Provoking Thursday!