(Affiliate links are contained in this post)
We were not meant to live this life alone. God created each one of us, with special and unique traits to live together as the body of Christ.
However, something often happens when we talk about friendships among women, which could be summed up by one word, division.
Friends this is not how God intended our relationships with our sisters in Christ to be. He wants us to be united to work together as a team, without judgement or criticism, fulfilling the roles that Christ has intended for us. He wants more for our lives than gossip and comparison, He wants us to live a life free in Him.
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” ~ Luke 6:37 (NIV)
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? ~ Matthew 7:1-4 (NIV)
As I’ve been going through Angie Tolpin’s course, The Quiet Fight Among Women: Redeeming the Division and Cultivating Unity, I’ve been convicted that judgement is something I can be extremely guilty of. I can be quick to think, “Why don’t others treat me the same way that I treat them? What’s wrong with them? What’s wrong with me?” And then I end up putting up a wall and closing myself off to anyone that wants to get close, for fear of getting hurt. Does this sound familiar to you too?
But then the giant question gets left hanging in the air, when does it stop? According to God’s Word, judgement and division were not part of God’s plan for sisters in Christ. It’s up to us to turn the pages in our book of life and start fresh and anew, giving the pen back to God and letting Him write the story. It’s up to us to search deep within our hearts and look at some uncomfortable places, and realize that we need to change first, before friendships can be mended and new life can be breathed into tired souls who are yearning for more.
Are you with me sisters? Are you ready to turn the tide?
Angie’s course will put you on the right path to begin the restoration of your heart as well as the healing of personal friendships. As you work through this course you will begin to realize that it all starts with our identity in Christ.
“Seeing ourselves the way God does is the beginning of being able to see our sister the way He does. ” – Angie Tolpin
Going through this course has been such a blessing for me. It’s helped me to begin developing a Biblical view of myself and stop believing the lies that the enemy tries to whisper in my ear.
There are many aspects to this course that range from journaling, to answering questions, to watching videos, and listening to prayers. You will also have the opportunity to join a Facebook group of fellow believers who are also doing this study. It’s a wonderful place to ask questions, share from your heart, and share prayer requests with your fellow sisters. This course is superbly written and edited, it is well worth the investment.
If you are interested in beginning this journey and purchasing this e-course, please click on the graphic below, (affiliate link).
If you would like to lead a group study of this course, please click on the graphic below. (affiliate link).
May God richly bless you as you take this first step on your new adventure.
I want to leave you with a beautiful prayer written by Angie,
“Lord, remind us of who we are in you. Thank you for my sister and how you have blessed her. May she grow in the gifts you have planned for her. Help me to be joyful for her gifts and not jealous of them. Jesus, I want to be content, to be filled with your joy and contentment for the gifts you have planned for me. Help me not to compare. Help me to seek you and desire your spiritual gifts. Help me to embrace who you have for me to be. May I be an encouragement to my sisters. Amen.”
In order to celebrate the launch of her new Bible study, Angie is giving away an Apple iWatch! WOW!! To enter to win please complete each Rafflecopter task below.
This is so very true. I only have two true friends, one of which, is my husband. The other is my friend, Lori. We have discussed everything under the sun! Super friends over 13 years and counting.
I am thankful I have great neighbors that I can do all this with. One just lost her daughter and we are trying to help her grieve.
Wonderful encouragement. We need each other but to have relationships we must be careful not to judge.