Last week my daughter and I were talking about some difficulties that we were both facing.
As we were talking she looked up at me with her big green eyes that reflected my own and said, “Mom, why does God allow these things to happen?”
That’s when I had one of those moments… know….the ones where your heart sinks down to the pit of your stomach and you want to rush to your baby and make all the confusion and pain go away. Yep, one of those. My response to her was, “God allows these things to happen so that we can grow closer to Him and be a witness to Him through our difficulties.” She had a blank look on her face as I kept talking, I could tell that she didn’t quite understand. The truth is sometimes…….neither do I.
It is easy to say one thing and know that in your heart it’s true, but trying to wrap you mind around it is another story. God brings to my mind the verse found in John 16:33,
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
As we all know God does not promise us a life without pain, even though we may feel it’s what’s due to us. That seems to be the problem…. there is a difference of opinion on what we think should be and the reality of what actually is.
When we are searching for truth, we search in God’s word, and no where in His word does it state that our lives will be free from pain. We see many examples of how God’s chosen suffered many hardships for the sake of Christ. From the imprisonment of Paul to the stoning of Stephen, all suffered to further God’s kingdom.
Our human nature sometimes has a difficult time grasping this. As a cancer survivor, it’s difficult for me to grasp as well.
There are days when I feel as if God and I are sitting on a bench in the middle of town and there are gallows standing far off in the distance. All of the town hurries this way and that carrying on about their business not noticing us sitting there. I look up at the Lord and say, “Today God?”, “No, not today.” says God. I stammer out the words…”But God, don’t you see? It’s right over there! Look! I don’t understand God!” God takes my hand, and says “I know child, I am sorry that you have to go through this pain. I want you to trust me. Trust me that I know what’s best. Trust what is written in my word in Hebrews 13:5 b “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” “I know it’s hard for you to understand this, some things are not meant to be understood until the day I come for you. Until then, you must trust and have faith.”
When we get passed the way we think things should be, it’s easier to accept the growth and goodness that comes out of difficulties. It also makes it easier to accept the unknown aspect of why hard times happen.
Through these hard times I pray that I would be an example to my daughter and continually learn to grasp the pearls out of the dirty muck and mire and focus on the Lord’s word in Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LordB)’> straight.”
I remind my daughter that God loves us and He will always be there for us no matter what happens, we just have to reach out and grasp His hands.
Today I want to remind you as well, He is there, He is forever faithful. It’s not up to us to understand it all. It’s up to us to go to Him with open arms and trust who He is.
Amidst life’s storms is when the true pearls of life can be found. In 2012, I have been accumulating many pearls from God and linking up with Multitudes on Monday, please take a moment to join us.
484. Visiting with family.
485. Seeing my great niece for the first time.
486. fresh apple cider
487. picking apples
488. The morning sun streaming in through the windows.
489. Fall decorations
490. Date night with my husband.
491. God’s protection over a friend and her family.
492. An ipod from a friend, filled with praise and worship songs.
493. New books that arrived in the mail.
494. The opportunity that God gives me to be a help meet to my husband.
495. Being asked to be a contributor for A Biblical Marriage blog.
Linking to:
Multitudes on Mondays
On Your Heart Tuesday
Soli Deo Gloria
On In and Around Mondays
Such beautiful encouragement!! We don’t always understand His ways, we rarely do in fact, but we can always trust Him. Thank you for this reminder.
Your thanksgiving list is beautiful!!
Trust is the key. Thank you friend!
Hi Shari,
Your words born out of suffering ring true:”When we get passed the way we think things should be, it’s easier to accept the growth and goodness that comes out of difficulties. It also makes it easier to accept the unknown aspect of why hard times happen.” Thank you!
Linked up behind you at Seedlings 🙂
Thank you for stopping by Dolly.
Well said. With a dark cloud hanging over our heads it is easier to be discouraged about the darkness and dread the coming storm. For you the dark cloud is cancer and we ask when will the outcome be not good. We need to look at the calm before the storm , JESUS, the comfort during the storm, JESUS, and the help in dealing with the outcome of the storm by JESUS. JESUS BEFORE DURING AND AFTER. That is the only way.
Thank you for being my support and best friend. I love you honey!
I too struggle with the same questions but always come back to the same answer, Jesus took on my greatest suffering so I wouldn’t have to. There is nothing worse than separation from God and he saved me from that. He has used my little struggles and sorrows in this life to draw me closer to Him, to change me, refine me, and use me for His glory. I see that in you, as your life is a testimony to me. I know He is using you as a testimony of faith to your daughter as well. Thanks for sharing your heart!
Thank you for stopping by and for your kind words Christina.
“Grabbing the pearls out of the muck and mire.” I love that. I’ve sat in the middle of town asking the same question. What an encouragement this was to me this evening.
I’m so glad Pamela. Thank you for visiting.
Blessed by this Shari! I think of that verse nearly everyday as I struggle to “lean not on my own understanding but trust in the Lord with all my heart”.This reminds me to walk by faith, not sight. There is such strength & comfort in His Word. Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia
I am so glad!
What a wonderful thing it is as a mom … to have a daughter who brings her real questions and hurts to you. As you help her contain them and process them with you and Jesus … she will learn so much.
Thank you for your kind words.
I never thought about it until just now – our words become a legacy! Words that my Grandma spoke to me many years ago, I will pass on to my own granddaughers. I pray that the legacy our Father left will dwell in us richly and our inheritance is fully utilized. My husband and I are just beginning our walk through the valley of prostate cancer and are adamant that the words we speak line up with the words our Father has already spoken over us. Our grandchildren are listening, our children are watching – I pray they see faith bursting out of our hearts. Bless you and thank you for sharing your heart.
Thank you so much for stopping by. Yes, everything we do and say becomes a legacy for those that follow. I am so glad the Lord is there to help me with this. I will be praying for you and your husband.
Good question…Why is God allowing this? Yet you equip your daughter with such comforting truths about who God is and what He promises. I wondered why God has allowed certain trials, and He reminded me of some of the amazing ways He works in our life when we are going through discouraging times. God bless you richly, Shari, as you continue to leave a legacy of faith to your daughter and thereby encourage us to do the same for our kids.